News bureau, Ambassa

Ambassa (Tripura) October 31, 2022: Catholic Church, Ambassa organized a one day Training of Trainers program on Pastoral communication for village leaders. There were 67 participants from 15 Sub-stations. The main resource person was Fr. Ivan DSilva the secretary for the commission of Social communication of Agartala Diocese. His main topic was ‘new way of evangelization through proper communication’. He said, “We don’t use the proper communication skills to communicate with the people and thus our messages get distorted and people don’t grasp what we say”. He took practical sessions on public reading and preparation before public speaking. Participants had many questions such as; the use of mike while reading and speaking, how to remove the stage fear, how to be a credible leader etc. Many experienced that, it was an important class on leadership and many could have benefited from this if few more to come. The seminar ended with lunch.




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