The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the organizing agency of the World Summit on the Information Society, launched a new portal, "ICT Success Stories", on March 31. The portal serves to exchange fresh ideas and learning experiences about creative uses of ICTs in different cultural contexts to improve health, education, governance and incomes, while empowering communities and promoting peace and human values and freedoms.

The key message is that there is no "one size fits all" approach to using new technologies to promote people-centred development; rather, in the trial-and-error process of learning to use ICTs effectively, the insights of projects and development activities gained from experience can be extremely valuable.

The portal allows users to search ITU’s extensive database of ICT success stories and experiences by theme, criteria, country or stakeholder to exchange ideas, insights and contact information. This should enrich the work being undertaken to integrate ICTs into development approaches, overcoming some of the difficulties project leaders face in implementation, and helping to catalyze fresh thinking and new projects.

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