A five-day workshop on Pastoral Communications was organized by Catholic Communications body, SIGNIS and North Eastern Social Communication (NESCOM) from Oct. 2 – 7, 2014, at North East Diocesan Social Forum (NEDSF) Guwahati. Fr Gilbert, the director of  NESCOM, welcomed the participants at the inaugural session and exhorted them to make best use of the training program. Communications delegates from 15 dioceses of North East India were given intense training program with practical sessions. There were 34 participants including priests, sisters, men and women.

Training sessions included topics like Print Media, Church and Media, Photography, Video editing, Page layout, Camp studio, news reporting and other relevant topics. Resource persons for the training program were the university professors and other experts in field of media. Besides creating awareness and understanding of key ideas and issues related to media, the participants were challenged to think critically, creatively and clearly.

“This is the workshop I profited most and enjoyed best” said Fr Thomas, one of the participants from Samand. Sr Tessy, another participant, said “the practical sessions of video editing and presentation and immediate evaluation of it was very enriching.”

At the Concluding function of the workshop Fr. Pudussery encouraged participants saying, “There is more to learn in different ways but continue to learn and use the media at our disposal.”

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